its a bird! its a plane! its.. its.. the couch hopping extraordinaire!
its me. hi, im your good friend ashley. im hoping to move to kingston, EVENTUALLY. im not having the best of luck finding a place but i am holding down a job in kingston. what does this mean? well dear friend, im hoping it will be okay if i crash on your couch for a night or two. use your shower even. ill bring my own food. ill bring my own blanket and pillow if needed. so long as i dont have to sleep in my van, all will be well.
this, is currently exactly what ive been doing for two weeks and i might even have to do this week. i used to enjoy the spontaneous trips that took me to different cities across ontario, entailing me to have to stay with friends for a couple nights. partying, eating out, living a life that could not be given to me in trenton because of my parents, and also the fact that it's trenton. now however, its just not the same! i feel so trashy! carrying half my closet in my van, food in my van, i even have my loofa hanging in the back so it can dry between showers. i am truly fabulous. tell me im fabulous.
hopefully, this wont be the case much longer, but until then, pray for me and the gods will repay you in mysterious ways.
thought of the day:
if you, or someone you know, plans on apologizing for something they've done, would it not be a reasonable idea to know specifically why you are apologizing? if you say you're sorry, and later say i don't even know what went wrong, or i dont really know why im apologizing, either refrain from saying that at all or DONT APOLOGIZE.
do yourself a favor, non?
these are just some extra pictures taken lately, partying, miscellaneous, people, etc.

just another night out. these are some of my newly acquainted, good friends coe and l.t.
l.t had just gotten back from one of the most random road trips ever so she told us her travel tales over many gin & tonics and rum & cokes

coe. pensive. modellesque. coe.

this is one of my new places to party: the cocktagon. thats right: cock- ta- gone. with eight boys living here there is never a dull moment, and there is always a bowl of sheesha to enjoy. leon, in the centre is pretty cool. he gave me his bed one night and he took the couch. shweeet!

l to r: justin, sean gray, paul. a couple of them, along with some others, threw a dance party in their house and even busted out their turn tables to throw down some sweet tunes. people were bumpin and grindin. there was drinkin and smokin. and every one was having a fun- lovin time.

this is an electric glow stick. it was long enough to play jump rope! so i turned off the flash to capture the magic of it and this is what i got.

pretty flower. home.