Saturday, July 7, 2007

this picture is where i got my email from as well as the name of the blog. its beautifully shot and asia argento is beautiful herself. it has irony written all over it but its more so the subtle messages that speak to me most, and it is because of those messages that i fell in love with this picture. my thanks go out to whoever took it.


right before i went to bed last night i found the dvd with all the pictures from my last hard drive on it. you dont know how happy this makes me! if i lose my pictures again i'll stop taking them forever. so.. you're going to see some of my old beauties. i think this week i'll be pulling out my fish eye cam too because its such a great cam. there is no quality more raw and beautiful (in my opinion) than 35 mm. dude.. its like totally the real deal. anyways, hopefully ill get that out and going, although i dont know if i'll capture lights as great as the ones i always got in t.o. i miss those busy, dirty, people strewn streets.

if you have sigur ros and you're reading this, it would maybe be nice to put it on while you read this and look at my pictures. i remember someone telling me a couple years ago to listen to them and i never bothered. first of all, this guy has very keen taste and i dont know why i didnt listen. second of all i need to start giving into hype. just a little. a couple people have since told me about sigur ros and i was like, sure, someday, but wow! summer + sigur ros = smiles. really. anyways, like i said, here are some of my most favorite older pictures. la la la.

this pic is real old. high school old. thats me with my cool hair. ill never forget this day. a lot of things were beginning to make sense and just as many things were becoming completely non-sensical.

xiu xiu @ lee's palace. amazing.

one night at 3 am i had a lot of energy. there was also a lot of fog. i love fog. im always so fascinated by it because its very mysterious. part of me also thinks its magical which.. i havent felt that since i was a kid.. and i only think like that when im around fog.

so anyways, i went around glendon for an hour and a half, everywhere, taking pictures. lots didnt turn out. some turned out okay, and then there were these. it took a lot of patience capturing them but the results were very much worth it. my apologies go out to people i spooked, i know there were a few.

voici key witness. a really good band, and im not just saying that because i dated stef haha. from left to right theres j.m on guitar, jacques on violin, shin is on drums but you cant see him, david stein on clarinet, dave behind him, and last but not least stef is in the vest.


one of my most favorite people. im blessed to know her. amanda murphy.
this pic isnt great but its not bad either. point is this is sean lennon. this was him playing in toronto in... october? unfortunately i didnt have my camera but my friend's did a decent job. i was really hoping the other members from cibo matto would jump on stage and surprise us but no luck. sean, fortunately, sufficed anyways.

Friday, July 6, 2007

amanda is back. back attack. we love big macs.
shes back and tis is pretty exciting news. here are some pics from last night. ill add more text later.. maybe. but these are my favorites of the whole lot and im glad i have friends like amanda and mike to model for me. theyre great!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

bam bam

july 1st is canada. it is also my favorite day of the year... so when i had to work it i was pretty upset. for the last.. six years maybe? ive been going to ottawa to partake in the patriotic celebrations. i love it! i feel really alive when there are so many people coming together to celebrate the existence of a country so great, so exemplary, so beautiful and unique. july 1st is more special to me than my birthday or even christmas.
so.. that is my stance on the day and i know im approaching this from a very biased point of view.. but after all that's happened.. all the soldiers that have died for our country.. all the freedoms we've been granted.. why are people dismissive of it all?
here i was on july 1st, alternating between the booth and the office for my job and im having to deal with people.. correction.. canadians.. who were returning from the states on a day of shopping. do they not care that its the one real day to show your appreciation? so.. on this great day.. instead of doing something in celebration they were strengthening the american economy in a way by purchasing goods in the states.
sitting in my booth and hearing the fireworks go off.. and not even being able to see them was such a desolate feeling! who'da thunk that a noise could mean so much to someone. i wanted to cry.. instead i told people to go inside and pay taxes on the american goods they purchased.
rant done.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

testing testing

inspired by rohini and in search of something different ive created a blog. la la la. should be fun. this summer's been slow for photography. living alone and away from home shifts perspective and time frames in ways that i wasnt expecting. i wanted to shoot train graffiti and make a collection.. maybe even chronicle a specific artist or two if i got lucky but... that has yet to happen. so far beach shots and hang outs are the only events ive snapped. they will suffice. ive met a lot of cool new people. as well as people who arent cool and i couldnt give two shits about but theyre my superiors. i have to make like i like them. the people i like are the people you will see in these pictures and theyre all great. im glad theyre in my life.

mike. playing basketball. hes awesome, tall and dunks like a mad man.

john. this was him playing the last show with his band in ottawa. rip fcf.

clare. rad. awesome. great. any positive adjective could describe her. incredibly down to earth and knows how to keep it real.

mike at north beach.

joel. teaching us how to play texas hold- em. he'll tell you his opinion straight up. his not- so - fabulous hair is brought to you by his mother.

mike. inebriated.

willy. my beautiful cat. 19.5 yrs old. i love him more than almost everyone else.

so.. i dont know. i could keep adding pictures i like but that would turn this into another facebook. i'll keep it short. this is getting excited. holla.

bed time. peace.