Sunday, November 4, 2007

a day of days

yes, today was a day of days. i had my first day off from both jobs today. it's been a month less a day since i last had one. work's going well though, im doing well at both jobs and getting along with my co-workers. i am not, however, getting along with the living habits of my house mates so im thinking it might be nice to try another place, preferably not in the student ghetto. no need to be be slumming it up, im not a student and i can afford better than this. right now im recovering from a nasty (!!) cold. i smoked close to a pack in a couple days last week and i think that's what got me sick. damn me and my nicotine addiction.

until recently, there was a guy i worked with named shelby, and he taught me how to use the manual settings on my camera so the pictures ive put up this time might not seem like a lot to you but they are awesome to me because i had to adjust the shutter speed and f- stop like a maniac to get what i wanted. hoorah hoorah

awaiting the cab that would not take us to the bar
my family watching ok go, they just found out about the treadmill video
another turkey time fam jam pic
john's new band 'this is a standoff' came to town.
most serene republic came to town too!
more msr

amanda and i on a dinner date

full moon in my room

last sunday i got off work early and it was so nice i chilled in a t-shirt by the water! i decreased the f-stop to get the overkill brightness but iiii like it

more of k-hole harbour

amanda got a new dog. she is CUTE. she doesnt bark, which is awesome, but she also doesn't sit still. anyways, amanda got her an awesome little shirt, not the one seen here but a hot pink one instead. who's the cutest dog on the block? jasmine is.
halloween party at my place. steve (in the red) wore head-to-to red with a picture of a bicycle on the front and back. he was the menstrual cycle.
me playing with prolonged exposure.

willy and bro. times are getting, stressful. willy is fading. he is 19.5 yrs old and his age is starting to catch up with him. we all know it and moments of just laying with him like in this pic are not rare at all.

my beautiful boy. never to be replaced. truly one of a kind. love of my life.
mike at ale house.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

almost. almost! okay. almost okay

in six days i'll have a new place. almost there. it even comes with cable. this is a big thing. the room mates have guitar hero. i have a grey- painted room, a full- time job, a part- time job, and many many new ambitions. im meeting some people who are very interesting and i like learning about them and learning from them. i miss toronto though, i still think about often, and the people there. i miss them all dearly. old friends, old flings, old fun. well, nothing old about any of it, but theyre not in my present daily life anymore. you get my drift.
anyways, here's some recent stuff.. la la la
chelsea. birthday girl. my flash was off but i caught someone else's flash, giving it the ghostly- look. cool, non?
derek and mitchell. derek and i have been friends since grade 9 and over the weekend he had a benefit for his dad who recently became a parapalegic (spelling? sorry). its been pretty rough for the whole family and there is a lot of rehabilitation and lots of renovations that have to be done to accomodate him now. derek is the man. he IS a man. another person im glad to have in my life

mitch. my brother.

lucy. friend's cat. she's the cutest!

janice. friend of the family.

a friend of a friend.. of a friend? skateboarding at queen's


amanda shared the best banana split ever with me. this is why she is my friend.
happy birthday to ME. it was my day. spent with very great people. yay

Saturday, September 15, 2007

couch hopping extraordinaire

its a bird! its a plane! its.. its.. the couch hopping extraordinaire!
its me. hi, im your good friend ashley. im hoping to move to kingston, EVENTUALLY. im not having the best of luck finding a place but i am holding down a job in kingston. what does this mean? well dear friend, im hoping it will be okay if i crash on your couch for a night or two. use your shower even. ill bring my own food. ill bring my own blanket and pillow if needed. so long as i dont have to sleep in my van, all will be well.

this, is currently exactly what ive been doing for two weeks and i might even have to do this week. i used to enjoy the spontaneous trips that took me to different cities across ontario, entailing me to have to stay with friends for a couple nights. partying, eating out, living a life that could not be given to me in trenton because of my parents, and also the fact that it's trenton. now however, its just not the same! i feel so trashy! carrying half my closet in my van, food in my van, i even have my loofa hanging in the back so it can dry between showers. i am truly fabulous. tell me im fabulous.

hopefully, this wont be the case much longer, but until then, pray for me and the gods will repay you in mysterious ways.

thought of the day:
if you, or someone you know, plans on apologizing for something they've done, would it not be a reasonable idea to know specifically why you are apologizing? if you say you're sorry, and later say i don't even know what went wrong, or i dont really know why im apologizing, either refrain from saying that at all or DONT APOLOGIZE.

do yourself a favor, non?


these are just some extra pictures taken lately, partying, miscellaneous, people, etc.

just another night out. these are some of my newly acquainted, good friends coe and l.t.
l.t had just gotten back from one of the most random road trips ever so she told us her travel tales over many gin & tonics and rum & cokes

coe. pensive. modellesque. coe.

this is one of my new places to party: the cocktagon. thats right: cock- ta- gone. with eight boys living here there is never a dull moment, and there is always a bowl of sheesha to enjoy. leon, in the centre is pretty cool. he gave me his bed one night and he took the couch. shweeet!

l to r: justin, sean gray, paul. a couple of them, along with some others, threw a dance party in their house and even busted out their turn tables to throw down some sweet tunes. people were bumpin and grindin. there was drinkin and smokin. and every one was having a fun- lovin time.

this is an electric glow stick. it was long enough to play jump rope! so i turned off the flash to capture the magic of it and this is what i got.

pretty flower. home.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

gettin'er done

summer is over! goodbye season of sun! im not going back to school. not going back to toronto. instead i am going to stay in kingston. why not? border security is over with. for the first time in.. 4 years i'll be living in the same city as my best friend. definitely a plus to staying in kingston. im going to miss people in toronto but rent is so much cheaper in kingston, holla! anyways, thats the most important news so im going to throw up a couple pictures and bounce. its laundry time :)

Saturday, August 4, 2007


hello beautiful night sky!

eva. 7 am samurai

c'est moi.

black and white. my favorite. a classic. my new camera isnt so great with it though. le boo.

i took eva's bike and cruised along the lake shore. i sweated my face off but it was beautiful! so many boats, people and not to mention the bums.. all drunk and swearing at the sky.

lake, sea gulls and chain link. how nautical

this house was very nicely decorated and lighted! i think it is a hair salon, right on.. brunswick? in the annex

this is the van that terry fox slept in when he crossed canada! eva and i were very excited to see this.

nothing like patio- dining, followed by desert, followed by real ice tea (thanks to eva), followed by 12:30 sushi. this is jacques. amazing violinist. great person.

some of the view from atop eva's place just on the skirts of the market.

its been a while since i posted on here, and longer since i visited toronto. this summer's been quite a whirl wind of change! the big change is going to continue into the fall when i move in with a room mate downtown toronto- no more rez! thats the least of it but i'll explain that at a later date when 'conditions' are more 'condusive'. anyways, this trip to toronto was the best yet! pool hopping, bike riding, sushi- eating, patio dining, china- town shopping, etc.


the night that i returned from toronto, and after i wrote this ^ i went out for three hours. upon coming back i saw that someone tried to break into my house. they cut two wholes in the screen.. blah blah blah. it sucked.. hard. i had to wait in my van for a half hour by myself, in the dark, until the cops came to check it out. i never thought i would freak out so much over something like that but i did, and to this very moment im very nervous and upset about it. ive had shitty things happen to me but ive never been in a state like that before. the fact that i was alone just added to the trauma of it all because, well, im a 110 lb blonde girl living by myself in a house and i only know a handful of people here. le poo. for anyone who reads this, hope and pray it never happens to you.