Sunday, July 1, 2007

testing testing

inspired by rohini and in search of something different ive created a blog. la la la. should be fun. this summer's been slow for photography. living alone and away from home shifts perspective and time frames in ways that i wasnt expecting. i wanted to shoot train graffiti and make a collection.. maybe even chronicle a specific artist or two if i got lucky but... that has yet to happen. so far beach shots and hang outs are the only events ive snapped. they will suffice. ive met a lot of cool new people. as well as people who arent cool and i couldnt give two shits about but theyre my superiors. i have to make like i like them. the people i like are the people you will see in these pictures and theyre all great. im glad theyre in my life.

mike. playing basketball. hes awesome, tall and dunks like a mad man.

john. this was him playing the last show with his band in ottawa. rip fcf.

clare. rad. awesome. great. any positive adjective could describe her. incredibly down to earth and knows how to keep it real.

mike at north beach.

joel. teaching us how to play texas hold- em. he'll tell you his opinion straight up. his not- so - fabulous hair is brought to you by his mother.

mike. inebriated.

willy. my beautiful cat. 19.5 yrs old. i love him more than almost everyone else.

so.. i dont know. i could keep adding pictures i like but that would turn this into another facebook. i'll keep it short. this is getting excited. holla.

bed time. peace.

1 comment:

Quintessence of Ether said...

im sorry, i couldnt resist checking out your new blog and im happy im the first ever to comment! im so glad youve got one started!
its a great start, i will be watching..