Sunday, September 20, 2009


"Can't say Im where I thought Id be at 23, but I have no regrets either. Physically, Im in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, so thats definitely a perk. After going with a new friend to a great gallery, I spent a couple hours walking by myself and drifting around until I drifted back to where I started. I bought myself some perfume; my first perfume. I figure, as a young woman, I should start doing some woman-ly things, like wear perfume. So, 50 euros later, Im all scented up and realy to roll. Now that Im back at the crash pad, its me, Bob, and this pen and paper. He says to me "May you stay forever young". Thanks, Bob."

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Vive La France

So much to say, so little motivation to type it all out. France is amazing, Arras is small, work is amazing, and the people are great. Finally just moved into our apartment. For the last week, the other 14 guides and myself had to live in an old church diocese they turned into a sort of hotel/hostel. There was no kitchen, no stove, no fridge or freezer. It was shitty. We ate out, microwaved pasta and chicken nuggets, and ate a lot of raw fruits and veggies.

But now thats all changed! Im in the St Aubs house with 7 guides, and the other 7 guides at at the Vauban house. Here are some of the pics from the last little while that I like the most, from Montreal and France.

I got a Flickr account. A 'Pro' one, where I get to upload as much as I want. I had to pay for it, so check it out:

Enjoy. And then leave a message and say hi.


Friday, April 10, 2009

quietly content. contently quiet

No pictures this time. I have only words. But they're words depicting a happiness. I say 'a happiness' as opposed to 'happiness' because only saying 'happiness' suggests a general emotion, one I come by regularly and almost expectedly. 'A happiness'. This suggests something entirely different, non? It means I'm feeling a calm I've never felt before for reasons I've never had to be happy about. To indulge further would mean giving my enemies knowledge, a location on my mental map, but know this: I have created a happy place in my head and elsewhere, defended my territory, and I'm not likely to let my guard down over such simple things again.

I'm in a place where I'm happy to not pollute my head and my body. This may not last long, I'm quick to sway and easy to indulge in hellish substances and world views from the status quo. If anyone surrounding me right now knew this, they would perhaps stop polluting the air waves to let me soak it all in, but they dont know, and they wont stop, but that's fine. If my body and mind felt this harmonious all the time, imagine how productive I would be! Haha. The words 'Im bored' would never pass my lips, I would have ten times the energy I usually do, and decision making.. Oh decision making! My true set back in life. If I had one of those magic 8 balls to help me I would be as close to a deity as they come in this 21st century.

Im going to leave with that.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

jan with some jam

Coming back to Montreal hasn't been what I expected it to be. After three weeks away, I thought I'd pick up where I left off. This hasn't been the case. I'm holding on tight for the end of February. Apparently that's the month to brace yourself for, and once that comes and goes it'll start to clear up. Here's keeping my fingers crossed.

These are the pictures that I couldn't get up at home. Hopefully it works this time.

I love being home. Meet Mason the dog, and Jimmy the cat.

I went to Toronto for 3 nights and saw the people I love most there. This is Aidan. 5 months and 2 days old, with daddy Markos and my friend Eva

Good seats.

These pictures are in reverse chronological order. Mike on new year's day morning. He didn't come upstairs for brunch.

Cindy survived the night and was able to come up for brunch, she just didn't have any makeup on.

Jazz and mommy Amanda

It's love.

Montreal, after one of this winter's first ice storms.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

birds eye view

I've been home for three weeks and counting. Happy holidays to me! I haven't been home for a period of time this long since I actually lived here 4 years ago. I'm not keeping busy, I'll be busy enough when I get back to Montreal- what with the 10 hour school days, 4 hours homework and 6 hours of sleep. I've been eating, watching TV, cuddling with animals.. all things I wont be doing once I head back this Saturday.

I went to Toronto for 3 nights to see friends that I love more than most yet still see the least. Went to Sneaky Dee's 3 out of the 4 days I was there, went to the places that I wanted to go, saw almost everyone I wanted to see (I didn't have enough time to see Sonny and Meliza) and did some serious window browsing.

I have some pics to post but the uploader isnt working right now so I'll post these words for now, and hopefully the pictures will be soon to follow.

On a side note, here are some things that I've loved lately:
  • anything and everything Phillip Lim 3.1
  • tv show Design Inc (in Toronto)
  • double dipped oreo cookies
  • green tea
  • playing housewife in Trenton
  • kanye west's video for 'Love Lockdown' (me loving a music vid? who knew)
  • sneaky dee's.. duh

This is the only photo I was able to get up. It's on fb but I like it. These are some girls in my program. I was fortunate last semester to be in the company of the coolest kids. I say this is the most humble way; all the other girls are straight out of highschool and talk like hyenas.

Joke for you:
Two cannibals are eating a dead clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"